Case Study: University of Wisconsin Law & Entrepreneurship Clinic
How the University of Wisconsin Law & Entrepreneurship Clinic Uses Spark Hire to Improve Hiring Collaboration
The UW Law & Entrepreneurship Clinic strives to provide free legal services and holistic guidance and support to entrepreneurs and early stage companies.
- www.uwle.org
- Educational Institution
- 11-50 Employees
- @uwle

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A Quick Overview
By using Spark Hire’s video interviewing platform, UW Law & Entrepreneurship Clinic can screen many applicants each year for their student attorney position in a timely manner.

We have used Spark Hire for our past two hiring cycles with great success. The price, ease of use, and reliability are the best.
- Jeffrey Glazer, Supervising Attorney at UW Law & Entrepreneurship Clinic
The Takeaway
- UW Law & Entrepreneurship Clinic receives about 70-80 applicants each year for 10-15 positions.
- With video interviews, they ask 3-4 questions to their applicants as a screening tool to take the place of time consuming phone interviews.
- Video interviewing helps UW Law & Entrepreneurship Clinic quickly evaluate and find great talent so they can do what matters most—provide top-notch legal services.

Spark Hire made the hiring process simpler and less invasive to our own schedules.
- Jeffrey Glazer, Supervising Attorney at UW Law & Entrepreneurship Clinic
The Basics
The UW Law & Entrepreneurship Clinic provides high quality legal services to entrepreneurs and startup companies in Wisconsin at no cost. The company has one hiring cycle a year and receives a large number of applicants for their entry level student attorney position.
The Challenge
Each year, the UW Law & Entrepreneurship Clinic receives about 70-80 applicants for their student attorney position. Given the time constants in their schedules, video interviewing allow the professionals at UW Law & Entrepreneurship Clinic to screen their applicants and eliminate the candidates who are poor fits.

I would send the link in an email to those who signed up and then a team of us would watch the videos and rate their answers.
- Jeffrey Glazer, Supervising Attorney at UW Law & Entrepreneurship Clinic
Video To The Rescue
Using Spark Hire’s video interviewing platform, UW Law & Entrepreneurship Clinic is able to address the challenges of their traditional hiring approach in the following ways:
- Screen More Candidates. By replacing phone interviews with video interviews, the UW Law & Entrepreneurship Clinic is able to screen all of their candidates and only pursue the ones who move on to the next step in the hiring process.
- Save Time. Avoid scheduling conflicts and save time on the first stages of the hiring process by sending out invitations to complete the one-way video interviews.
- Provide A Great Candidate Experience. With video interviews, UW Law & Entrepreneurship Clinic was able to set the amount of takes their candidates receive. The UW Law & Entrepreneurship Clinic found that their candidates like the fact they can revise their answers until they get it right, which results in higher quality answers.
- Collaborate With Team Members. As there are 3-6 people involved with their hiring decisions, it is beneficial for the UW Law & Entrepreneurship Clinic to share the video interviews with team members to enhance communication and collaboration on their own time.

We don't have to juggle schedules or take hours out of our work day to conduct first round interviews.
- Jeffrey Glazer, Supervising Attorney at UW Law & Entrepreneurship Clinic
The Results
The UW Law & Entrepreneurship Clinic narrowed down the qualified applicants from 70-80 to the 30-40 they wished to pursue for an in-person interview. With Spark Hire’s video interviewing solutions, they were able to examine which applicants would be a good fit for their company and which ones would not work out.

We have hired approximately 30 employees and interviewed approximately 80 using Spark Hire.
- Jeffrey Glazer, Supervising Attorney, UW Law & Entrepreneurship Clinic
UW Law & Entrepreneurship Clinic provides a range of services to entrepreneurs and gives law students hands-on experience in business legal matters. To learn more, check out their website and connect with them on Facebook and Twitter. Go Bucky!
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