Video Interviews for Hiring Teams of All Sizes

Video interviewing helps you make better decisions about which candidates you're advancing in your hiring process.

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Hire faster with video interviews

Watch this video of Josh Tolan, CEO of Spark Hire, to learn how you can make better hires faster than ever before.

How video interviews work

Most organizations implement one-way video interviews as a replacement to the phone screen and live video interviews are leveraged in situations when it’s not feasible to meet with a candidate face-to-face.

One Way Interview

Screen your candidates

Screen candidates by having them record video responses to your questions in a one-way video interview.
Ratings and Comments

Share and collaborate

Rate, comment on, and share the top candidates' video interviews with hiring managers.
Ratings and Comments

Make better decisions

Determine which candidates should move forward in the process for a live video interview or in-person interview.

Benefits of video interviews

No matter the size of your organization, video interviews will help you identify the best candidates for your open positions in a fraction of the time.

Replace the phone screen

Learn more about your candidates in less time

Screen candidates faster than ever before

Standardize the interviewing process

Improve recruiter and hiring manager collaboration

Eliminate scheduling challenges

Review interviews anytime, anywhere

Only invest time and effort into the best candidates

Avoid bad in-person interviews

Making better hires in less time with Spark Hire’s video interviewing platform

6,000+ organizations are seeing significant improvements in their hiring process thanks to Spark Hire.

Make better hires in less time

Spark Hire makes it easy for you to try out video interviews at your organization.